User Guide for Students

Table of Contents

1. Accessing DepEd Commons

1.1 Account Activation

1.2 Log in Using DepEd Commons Portal

1.2.1 Send activation instructions

1.2.2 Reset Password

1.3 Sign In with Microsoft 

2. Student Portal

3. Resources

3.1 Search Resources

3.2 Resource Card

3.3 Resource Page

3.4 Offline Documents

3.5 Reviews

4. Grade Levels

5. View History

6. Feedback


1. Accessing DepEd Commons

This chapter will focus on the steps on how to access DepEd Commons. Students can access DepEd Commons using their O365 Microsoft account.


1.1 Account Activation

Student accounts will be sent an activation email on their O365 accounts. To activate your account, follow these steps:

Step 1. Log in to your email using O365 email.

Step 2. Find the email with the subject "Your DepEd Commons account is created and needs to be activated!".

Step 3. Click on the email and then click on the link to setup up a new password.

Step 4. Nominate a new password on the Change Your Password page.

Step 5. Edit your account information if necessary and click the Update button. You will be redirected to DepEd Commons Home page.



Figure 1. Activation Link Sent via Email



Figure 2. Change Password Page


1.2 Log in Using DepEd Commons Portal

For an activated student account, log in to DepEd Commons by following these steps:

Step 1. Go to and click the Login button at the bottom left.

Step 2. Click Login to Commons Account.

Step 4. Enter your email address and password and click Login to Commons Account button. You will be redirected to the DepEd Commons Home page.

login to commons.png


1.2.1 Send activation instructions

If you have not received any activation link on your email, click on Didn't receive activation instructions? at the bottom of the Log In page. You will receive an email regarding the activation of your account.


1.2.2 Reset Password

If you have forgotten your DepEd Commons account password, you may click on Forgot your password? at the bottom of the Log In page. You will be redirected to Forgot Your Password? page. Enter your email and click on the Send Request button. An email should be sent to you regarding password reset. Follow these steps after receiving the reset password instructions on your email:

Step 1. Open the email with the reset password instructions.

Step 2. Click the Change my password link on the email.

Step 3. Nominate a new password and click the Change my password button.

You should now be able to log in to DepEd Commons.


1.3 Sign In with Microsoft 

To log in to DepEd Commons via your DepEd Microsoft O365 account, go to and click the Login button at the top left. Select Login as Student.

Step 1. Click the Sign in with Microsoft button.


Step 2. Select Tenant and click the Sign In button.


Step 3. Enter my O365 email. Click Next.


Step 4. Enter the password to my O365 account. Click Sign In.


Follow the prompts to authenticate and authorize DepEd Commons to use Microsoft sign-in to login. After a successful login, you will now be redirected to the DepEd Commons homepage.

learner log in.png

Figure 3. Student Log In Page



2. Student Portal

The student portal page is where students will have access to all the available resources in DepEd Commons. The user interface of the home page is very straight-forward and easy-to-use. In this chapter, we will discuss the three (3) main parts of the home page.

  1. Header - In this portion, you will see a list of links that will help you access different parts of the web app.
  2. Account actions - you can view your account by clicking the top right portion of the header with you email address displayed. To edit your account, click on Edit Account and update your information or credentials. To log out, simply click on Log Out. Offline documents are also accessible on the drop down which will be explained further on a different section of this guide.
  3. Main Content -  All of the information will be displayed in this portion. 

teacher home page.png

Figure 4. Student Portal


3. Resources

3.1 Search Resources

In the home page, the search functionality is displayed for easier access of available resources that are published in DepEd Commons. To search for a resource, follow these steps:

Step 1. Select a grade from the grade level drop down. You may click on the search button after this step. This will display all the published resources from the selected grade level.

Step 2. Select a subject from the subject drop down. You may click on the search button after this step. This will display all the published resources from the selected subject of the selected grade level.

Step 3. On the search bar field, type in the tile of the resource, the name of the author, the category type of the resource, or a tag/keyword. Click the Search button. This will display all the published resources from the selected subject of the selected grade level with the word/s that you have entered on the search bar.

The category type of resources are Assessment, Game/Puzzle, Interactive Offline, Presentations, Video, Mobile Applications, Activity Sheets and Notes, Self Learning Module (SLM), and Electronic SLM.



Figure 5. Search result of a search query


In Figure 5., the selected grade level is Grade 2, the subject is English, and the keyword used is "recognizing". The search query displayed two results where both resources are filed under Grade 2 - English with the keyword "recognizing" found on each title.


3.2 Resource Card

After the results are displayed upon your search query, you will see that there are several information included on the resource's card details. We will discuss the seven (7) parts of the resource card.

1. Thumbnail - This is the image that is displayed on the left-most part of the resource card.

2. Title - This is the resource's title.

3. Category type - This specifies what type of learning material the resource is.

4. Number of downloads - The number of downloads is the total number of times a resource has been downloaded and viewed. Clinking on the link attached to a resource is counted as a view/download.

5. Ratings - Ratings are the average ratings given by teachers and students.

6. Likes - Likes are the total number of likes that students and teachers have given to the resource.

7. Writers - Authors and writers are displayed on the resource card.



Figure 6. Resource Card Details


3.3 Resource Page

In this section, we will discuss the resource page where you will see the full information about the resource. The resource page also contains the action buttons to rate and like the resource. To go to this page, simply click anywhere on the resource card and it will redirect you to the resource page.

The parts of the resource page are the following:

1. Learning Period - This indicates the learning period that the resource is used for.

2. Description - This portion contains any information relating to the resource.

3. Download or Go To link -To download the resource, click on the Download File button. To go to the link of the resource, click on Go to link.

To like a resource, simply click on the heart icon.

Parts 4 and 5 will be discussed on the next sections.


Figure 7. Full Information of a Resource Page


3.4 Offline Documents

Offline documents are resources that can be accessed even without an internet connection. Follow these steps to make a document available offline and to access the offline document:

Step 1. Click on the three vertical dots shown on number 1 of Figure 7.

Step 2. Click on "Make Available Offline". You should see this icon image-1619708443150.pngindicating that the document is available offline. This will make the resource downloadable even when you encounter internet disconnection.

Step 3. Click on the drop down at the top right corner of the header where your email is displayed. Select "Offline Documents." This will redirect you to the documents that you have made available offline.

Step 4. Click on the Download button to download the file.



Figure 8. Offline Documents Page


3.5 Reviews

Resources published on DepEd Commons can be rated. Overall ratings of a resource can be found on the resource information page as shown in Figure 7. To write a review and to rate the resource, follow these steps:

Step 1. Click on the Write a Review button.

Step 2. Rate the resource by criteria. The criteria for rating are Content, Presentation, Relatability, Clarity, and Suitability. Each criteria can be given a score of 1 to 5.

Step 3. Type in any additional comments if you have any. This is not a required step.

Step 4. Click the Submit Review button.


Figure 9. Page for Rating a Resource


On the resource page, you will see all the ratings of the resource including the rating that you have given.


Figure 9. Ratings of the Resource from Student Accounts


4. Grade Levels

On the header of the web application, you will see Grade Levels. By clicking this, you will be redirected to a page allowing you to select from the list of Grade Levels. Clicking on a grade level will redirect you to a list of subjects found in the grade level. Select a subject from the list and it will display all the published resources under this category. 


Figure 10. List of Resources in Grade 3 - Araling Panlipunan


A search functionality is also seen on this page. This is the same as the search feature found on the home page.


5. View History

DepEd Commons has a view history feature where you can see a list of resources that you have downloaded, made available offline, or have clicked on the link. This feature can help you check which resource you downloaded most recently or what resource you have checked out.


Figure 11. View History Page


6. Feedback

On the bottom-left of the web application you will see "Feedback". The feedback form is a feature that students or parents of students may use to send in their feedbacks, inquiries, and/or comments. To send in your feedback, follow these steps:

Step 1. Click on the Feedback link.

Step 2. Select if you are a Student or Parent/Guardian.

Step 3. Fill out the required fields and your inquiries or feedback.

Step 4. Click the Submit button.